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Showing posts from January, 2013

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Product Design of a 4 wheel differential drive robot

Driving 2 LED in a Fasion

  This code make 2 LED blink one after other. LEDs are connected to PORT C (P0 and P1). Make sure use a 330 ohm resistance to protect your LED. Code 1: /* 2: * Driving_2_LED_in_a_Fashion.c 3: * 4: * Created: 01-01-2013 PM 12:24:34 5: * Author: ANANTHAKRISHNAN.U.S 6: */ 7: 8: 9: #include <avr/io.h> 10: #include <util/delay.h> 11: 12: int main( void ) 13: { 14: DDRC = 0b00000011; 15: while (1) 16: { 17: PORTC = 0b00000001; 18: _delay_ms(500); 19: PORTC = 0b00000010; 20: _delay_ms(500); 21: } 22: }

Blinking an LED with Microcontroller

  Put some delay after making the output high and low. Otherwise you won’t see the blinking. Code used is provided below. Comments are used for understanding the code. Do comment if you guys have anything to say. Code 1: /* 2: * Blinking_an_LED.c 3: * 4: * Created: 01-01-2013 AM 11:56:59 5: * Author: ANANTHAKRISHNAN.U.S 6: */ 7: 8: 9: #include <avr/io.h> 10: #include <util/delay.h> 11: int main( void ) 12: { 13: DDRC = 0B00000001; //Port c0 as output 14: while (1) 15: { 16: PORTC = 0B00000001; //PCO high 17: _delay_ms(1000); 18: PORTC = 0B00000000; // PC0 low 19: _delay_ms(1000); 20: } 21: }

Lighting an LED with Microcontroller | Atmega328p

  It is very simple if you have some taste in programming. The code for lighting an LED is given below. What am doing is just enabling a particular port of microcontroller. Here it is PORTD. Before you can use a port you need to set the port as an output port. So that you can output data to that port. If you set the DDR (Data Direction Register) of PORT D (ie, DDRD) as 1, then it will act as output. If it is set to 0 it will act as input. Code 1: /* 2: * My_Learning_Projects.c 3: * 4: * Created: 01-01-2013 AM 11:45:20 5: * Author: ANANTHAKRISHNAN.U.S 6: */ 7: 8: #include<avr/io.h> 9: 10: int main( void ) 11: { 12: DDRD = 0b00000010; //Data register D1 is set to output 13: PORTD = 0b00000010; //Make PD1=1 14: 15: while (1) //Infinite loop 16: { 17: 18: } 19: } 20: The while(1) loop is an infinite loop for running the microcontroller for ever. Otherwise it will execute all the commands once and then sto...

Get started with Microcontroller | Atmega328p

For those who are new to microcontroller, microcontroller is nothing but a mini computer within a chip. It has ram, a processing unit and all those needed for a computer to work. But in a mini scale. You can program your chip with a burner circuit. You need a software like avr studio to compile the program. Then you need a software like SinaProg to put this compiled HEX program to your chip. I use a USBasp ISP as the burner. You can buy that from . For the rest of the post I use Atmega328p microcontroller. Have been playing with atmega328p avr microcontroller for sometime. It’s a High Performance, Low Power AVR® 8-Bit Microcontroller with 20Mhz speed. There won’t be much difference with other avr series microcontrollers except the no. of I/O ports, ADC, speed etc.. I would recommend avr studio 6 for compiling your program. First of all it’s free. It’s based on Microsoft visual basic platform. If you are a beginner it will be very helpful as it has code...

Electret Microphones (CMA-4544PF-W)

        An electret mic is the best choice for money and low power requirements. It is extremely compact in size and has a good performance value. For some time I have been searching for a microphone for my project that works above 20 KHz. It started from electret microphones and ended just right back at the same electret condenser microphones. Even though the datasheets says it has a frequency range of 20 to 20 kHz, it is possible to obtain the signal having around 24kHz. Obviously will have some high attenuation. But will work quite at 24khz range. Many types of microphones need power to operate. They are generally called condenser microphones. If you google around the webpages for mic circuits, you will definitely find out that all the condenser type microphones need a biasing arrangement. Electret condenser type microphone has a built in FET buffer. So it needs to be powered. Normal biasing voltage ranges from 3 to 9v. Also you need to add a capacitor to ...

Encode your text into ASCII HEX code using C

This C++ code will convert the typing keystrokes from keyboard into it’s ASCII code(HEX). 1: #include<stdio.h> 2: #include<conio.h> 3: 4: char HEXST( char a){ 5: int rem,no= int (a),i=0; 6: char tmp, string [2]; 7: 8: while (no>0){ 9: rem=no%16; 10: no=(no/16); 11: 12: switch (rem){ 13: case 10: 14: tmp='A'; 15: break ; 16: case 11: 17: tmp='B'; 18: break ; 19: case 12: 20: tmp='C'; 21: break ; 22: case 13: 23: tmp='D'; 24: ...

Authentication of username and password using PHP(MySQL)

  For sites that need login facilities, entered username and password should be checked with the database to verify the username. Here is an example for doing this. Form.html has a form to enter login and password details. When clicking the submit button it will pass the login username and password to auth.php. Codes needed for both files are given below. Form.html 1: < form action = 'http://auth.php' method = 'post' name = 'form1' class = 'loginbg' id = 'form1' > 2: < p align = 'left' > UserName 3: < input name = 'username' type = 'text' size = '10' /> 4: </ p > 5: < p align = 'left' > Password 6: < input name = 'password' type = 'password' size = '10' /> 7: </ p > 8: < p align = "center" > 9: < input name = 'Login' type = "submit" class = ...

After Effect Tutorial

When I started learning After Effect, have googled hours to find some good tutorials. There are plenty of sites providing so much tutorials. But there are some problem with those tutorials. The problem is not theirs but mine. We don’t have enough patience to watch the whole video tutorial to learn something that doesn’t need to waste much time. . This one is pretty good in explaining things. If you don’t have a high speed broadband connection, please don’t try to watch… You will surely loose all your patience…  You will surely get some good basic skills from that site. Mix your creativity and your fantasy and you will surely end up with some very good works. NB: You need to have some medium system requirements to efficiently work with After Effect software. It uses a lot of system performance and Ram. It uses around 60% of my 8 Gb ram. Also you need to download some plugins to have fun with After Effect. Especially Trapcode particulate, glow,etc....

Invento Promo Video | After Effects

Invento Final Promotional Video This is the final promo video I had created for our techfest, Invento 2012. Visual effects are created using After Effect CS 4. Invento Final Promotional Video (short one) This one is a short duration one without showing details of last year tech-fest details.

Invento Logo Animation | Using After Effect

Govt. Engg College Sreekrishnapuram Tech Fest Logo Animation This one was for the first part of promo video i created. Used After Effect for video effects.

NFS MW best scenes | MW Gameplay pursuits

NFS MW Gameplay Action (Pursuit) NFS MW is one of my favourite games ever. Even though EA released several NFS series game, this one is still the best. They released MW 2012 last year. But still this one stays top. With fun pursuit races and nice free roam gameplay NFS MW is the best NFS series game ever…. NFS world is pretty good and it has somewhat same gameplay of Most Wanted. But EA released NFS World as a complete online racing game.. . But the thing is, it is absolutely free. Anyone can download the game and play online. Thanks to EA.. This video is the recorded gameplay of MW pursuit races I have played with stunning actions.. Have edited this video using After Effect. It’s a nice tool, but it’s mainly for visual effects and not just editing.. Will publish my AE(After Effect) works soon. .

Sastra Systems

  This is my second work. Our seniors have started a new company, Sastra Systems. Have designed this site for them. They started the company at kochi with the help of startup village project at kalamassery. They became the one of the top 5 promising companies started at Startup Village.The site is not hosted yet. Good luck for them….(Aronin P,Akhil Aleppy) …

  This is my first work along with my colleagues. This site was for our college tech-fest, invento. Web Designers: Muhammad Salah P. | Lijina P. | Anantha Krishnan U.S. | Muhammed Niyas Pavil | Arjun R. | Shefna K.S. | Rosni K.V. | Sahya N.S. | Panchami K.S. | Amitha Girish N. | Namitha T.M.

HTML | Where to begin?

  After you have a basic idea about the HTML language and how to test it, you can move towards simple tags for adding images, tables, frames etc. The best place to start learning is from . It is the best online site where you can learn Web languages.. It is very easy to follow and have option to test your html tags. The site is specifically for all web development. You will find all the tags listed there for reference. Start with simple tags like adding image files,hyper links,and then to tables to frames. Here is a simple example covering some basic tags 1: < html > 2: < title > Eionix Media </ title > 3: < head > </ head > 4: < body > 5: 6: < center > < h1 > This is a heading </ h1 > </ center > 7: 8: </ br > 9: 10: < center > < img src = "" /> </ center > 11: 12: < ...

A Basics to HTML

HTML stands for Hyper Text Mark-up Language. It is the backbone of any web page.. Backbone means it defines the the structure of a webpage and you guys can put things inside this structure. You can put simple texts, picture, java scripts,flash,videos,server side programming codes like PHP,ASP etc.. Let’s come to simple aspects… Every browser can view a webpage. It is build for that purpose. .. You can open up a text editor like note pad and write those simple codes and then save it as <name>.html. If you simple type some text and save it as a webpage, that text will be there if you open it in the browser. Tags: There are tags in a web page. You have to close each tag with a  ’ / ‘ . Basic Structure of a web page is shown below.. 1: < html > 2: < title > Web Page Title </ title > 3: 4: < body > 5: 6: Content of a web page.. 7: 8: </ body > 9: 10: </ html > An Example   1: < html > 2: < title > My ...