In this tutorial, we will create an urdf model of a 3 axis robot and simulate it in Rviz. Create a package inside your workspace (create it if u haven't any). Create a folder named urdf to store urdf models. Now create a new file called my_robot.urdf with these data. This link will give you a list of all possible tag tags and informations. (Read this before going further. link ) There are 4 links and three joints in this robot. Each joint has one parent and one child. There are different types of joints. Here we used continuous and fixed type. Joint 0 is fixed and the rest of them are continuous. The origin tag inside the <joint> <origin rpy="0 0 0" xyz="0 0 3"/> represents the amount of offset required from the parent link. This can be clearly understood from the following figure. There is also an another origin tag inside link tag. This represent the base frame of the link itself. We need to shift it by 1.5 (half of the link...
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