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Showing posts from December, 2014

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Product Design of a 4 wheel differential drive robot

Chat/Messenger program using c

Messages send through server program will be displayed in the client side. Port used is 10000. You can change the ip address of server in the client side program. Will update the program to include more features. The program is intended to use in Linux platform. (Compiler  used is gcc). Server Client

Socket Programming in C

This is a simple server client program I wrote in C while learning. The program lacks several error checking. But it works and is simple to understand. Use this code only for learning process. The server send Hello World and the client will print it in the screen. Server program should run first and then the client program in a different terminal. Use this code in a Linux platform. Server Client

Flooding RAM ( C )

This program will dynamically allocate memory and shows the amount of memory it uses. When heap is empty it will show Memory Full. The memory will be freed once you close the program (No harm by the way!). The rate at which memory is allocated is small (1 Kb per each iteration) so you can see at which point heap becomes empty.